Episode 291

Published on:

5th Jun 2020

The Dignity of the Human Person and Racial Reconciliation: Fr. Robert Boxie, III

Fr. Robert Boxie, III, a priest of the Archdiocese of Washington, joins us to talk about his personal experience as a Black man, a Black Catholic, and a priest, and then we explore the steps we can take to pursue racial reconciliation in light of our belief in the inviolable Dignity of the Human Person, and in our dependence upon one another as members of the Body of Christ. 

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Outside the Walls
Interviews from Around the Catholic World
Outside the Walls is a weekly radio program featuring interviews with theologians, authors, clergy, religious, and engaged laity from around the Catholic world.
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TL - Host and Producer

For over 10 years, TL has interviewed Priests, Religious, and engaged Laity about books and projects that help form the intellect and the conscience.

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