
Published on:

8th Feb 2025

Simply Scripture: A Daily Guide - Colleen Vermeulen

Colleen Vermeulen is cofounder of CatholicBiblicalSchool.org and a teacher and director with the Catholic Biblical School of Michigan, an Adult Faith Formation Ministry.

She is a contributing writer to the Living the Word Catholic Women’s Bible, and has written a daily guide to reading the bible called Simply Scripture for Lent and Easter which uses daily readings of the Gospel Mark and the Acts of the Apostles over the course of the two liturgical seasons to help foster good Bible Study tools and establish a habit of daily scipture reading.

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Outside the Walls
Interviews from Around the Catholic World
Outside the Walls is a weekly radio program featuring interviews with theologians, authors, clergy, religious, and engaged laity from around the Catholic world.
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For over 10 years, TL has interviewed Priests, Religious, and engaged Laity about books and projects that help form the intellect and the conscience.

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