Episode 271

Published on:

18th Jan 2020

Discipleship Parenting: Kim Cameron-Smith

Kim Cameron-Smith, author of "Discipleship Parenting: Planting the Seeds of Faith" on Our Sunday Visitor Press, and host of the Gentle Catholic Parenting Podcast, joins us to talk about how to raise our kids to be Disciples of Jesus Christ!

Patreon supporters get 15 extra minutes of conversation about her reversion to the Faith, and how she endeavors to bo beyond catechesis to give her kids an encounter with Christ. Listen at https://www.patreon.com/posts/kim-cameron-on-33245479

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Outside the Walls
Interviews from Around the Catholic World
Outside the Walls is a weekly radio program featuring interviews with theologians, authors, clergy, religious, and engaged laity from around the Catholic world.
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TL - Host and Producer

For over 10 years, TL has interviewed Priests, Religious, and engaged Laity about books and projects that help form the intellect and the conscience.

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