Episode 151

Published on:

30th Sep 2017

#151: Steve Karlen — 40 Days for Life, A Story instead of Statistics

Steve Karlen, Director of North American Campaigns for 40 Days for Life, joins us to talk about the current campaign of 40 Days for Life. We'll discuss the importance of an individual story in the midst of a sea of statistics, and what to do when you feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the task.

A Reading from St. Polycarp

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Outside the Walls
Interviews from Around the Catholic World
Outside the Walls is a weekly radio program featuring interviews with theologians, authors, clergy, religious, and engaged laity from around the Catholic world.
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TL - Host and Producer

For over 10 years, TL has interviewed Priests, Religious, and engaged Laity about books and projects that help form the intellect and the conscience.

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